Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day Ten/Eleven

Today Kaytie and headed back to Old Town; we checked out Fringe again, saw another show and watched a bunch of incredible street performers. We also did a bit more shopping. 
Here is Kaytie reading the map so that we can find our venue. 

The wind here makes trying to take a picture difficult.

After getting back to Jude and Simon's we all headed up Arthur's Seat. The view of the city was so spectacular that I took no pictures. Actually I chased Emily up and then tried not to fall [again] on the way down. It was actually a fantastic way to see the city one more time. 

On Saturday I somehow ended up doing Aerial Assault; a zip lining/climbing style activity with Kaytie. I did not love it- it's very high up, but we did it and to celebrate I got my scone!
 Everything here was amazing! Local suppliers, socially conscious- you know the things that make food taste better...

After lunch Kaytie and I did The Real Mary King's Close tour. It was a fun way to see what is left of one of the oldest closes. The guide was fun and the tour is an entertaining way to learn a bit of history. 

Then it was back to the Beveridges to pack and remember how much I already miss them- so mostly visiting and eating cookies when I should be packing. They were amazing hosts and so much fun! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that lady who was ticked right off that there wasn't a whole pack of ghosts at Mary King's Cross.
