On Wednesday I lost my phone somewhere on campus, and I was kind of freaking out. I looked everywhere that I could think of, but to no avail. So, I wandered over to Lost and Found hoping desperately that someone had found my phone and turned it in. If it wasn't there I had no idea what I would do next. I walked nervously into Lost and Found, and rang the bell. A nice girl came to the front and asked me to describe what I had lost. I rambled on about how it is a little square, blue, it slides, made from recycled plastic, Sprint, LG, it is scratched on the back... I think I was trying to just describe it into existence. The girl went into the back and returned with my phone! Some amazing person had brought it in earlier that morning, I was so relieved, and excited.
I texted a few people to let them know that I had found my phone at the Lost and Found. My Dad texted me back about how when I was little my parents had lost my blanket and my Ernie doll on campus. Both had been returned to me after a trip to the Lost and Found. I am more grateful to knid strangers than I even knew.
When my hsuband and I attended BYU we had a two year old daughter. She lost her Ernie stuffie and someone turned it into lost and found. I will love BYU forever for that one act of kindness.