Friday, October 14, 2011

Theme Parties

At BYU we don't really "party" which means we have to find different excuses to get together. Hence the super random"theme" party. Whether it be TV show viewing party, or a movie marathon, sometimes the theme is the nineties, usually they aren't a real theme party with costumes and decorations, they are more like so this things exists, let's have a party. Like earlier this week I went to a Psych Party. The television show was having its season premiere, and it is a well liked show, so why shouldn't that merit a get together. I had a great time, we never actually watched Psych- that is how committed we are to the theme, but we had a lot of fun. Basically people just want an excuse to hang out, without having to say hanging out...


  1. I am going to call it hanging out from now on. Would you like to hangout this weekend!?

  2. I think you are right. Lots of time people are just looking for an excuse to get together.
